Monday, May 09, 2005

Just another Manic Monday .... oh we oh!

Took me over an hour to get to work - accident on the M25/A2 ..... miles and miles of traffic!

Music assembly with hip, cool, lovable (by children and me) deputy head cancelled due to KS2 SATs!

Windy weather = devil children from hell!!

Headteacher has encouraged me to go on a week long trip with 22 little darlings in June. "If you don't want to go, she'll be in charge but I'd like you to go!" A week I always return to school from knackered and a week with no Internet access so NO BLOGGING. No chance to read any of you/yours, no way any chance to add to my own - holy cow!!

Children suddenly realised at 2.10 p.m. that the CACHE student that they have on a Monday and Friday is a fanciable, gorgeous 17 yr old!! And are now drooling / drawing her pictures, giving her cards and loving glances!

What about me guys?

I don't like hate f@*#ing detest Mondays like this one!


Ms Mac said...

I was so ripped off. The only student types we got at my school were German hippies who lived in their Kombis.

Ripped off big time!

Katya Coldheart said...

tuesdays are pretty crappy


Le laquet said...

ms.mac - german hippies in kombis - how unlucky was that? i had a right eejit about 3 years ago, who on her first day after being told i had a child with major SEN including verbal dyspraxia decided to tell the class a story about a caterpillar with a speech impediment - dozy cow!!

katya - sorry if tuesday has been crappy to you ... hump day wednesday tomorrow! all down hill 'til friday and the weekend! wahey!

Walker said...

You can alway try audio blogging. You could sing it to your blog . lol