Monday, December 04, 2006

Sketch #9 ~ Juxtaposition

African Baptism

This is my attempt @ Pencil Lines' Sketch #9 ... hard getting the circle thing looking right. I wish I could do wavy lines to soften the edge of the photos but thats beyond me at the moment!! Any Photoshop magicians out there who know how to do that ... please let me know :o)

A busy weekend ... the school Christmas Fair (I was on the groceries stall ... what an eye-opener), making Christmas hats / cards, a mad dash to London yesterday to rescue Simon's mum, demolition and re-building of the spare room (needs to be finished or at the very least habitable before my parents arrive on Friday! I think I'll be very glad to go back to work today.


Gattina said...

Yes, sometimes it's more quiet at work, lol ! For me the rush is over now I am only in a rush when I create one myself !

Anonymous said...

I am confused just reading that!
Whose spare room are you demolishing? or are your parents staying with Simons?
Sorry I ahve been on the hot choclate (italian proper stuff OMG)
Xx Fizzy xX

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a crazy weekend. I have finally had time to think and to contribute a small bit. The last couple of weeks have been hectic and I don't have the "release" of a job to go to?!!?

The original anonymous, although I like your style Fizzy, avoiding the logging in business x x x

Lisa said...

Hey, that's really cool. You're doing great with playing around with the scrapping thing. You clever dicky!

And I'm a little confused too...who's spare room is being demolished and rebuilt? I assumed it was yours cos they're your parents lol How exciting having them come to stay instead of the other way around. Are they coming over now for Christmas? or just a short visit and then back to France? Yeah I know, but I have to ask you know. lol