Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's dawned

I've just realised. It's dawned on me.

As of this morning - I've lost over 50 lbs!!!


Lesley said...

I'm speechless!

RE said...

You are fantastic. But wait, oh dear. does that mean there's less of you to love ;-)

not to worry, it's all about quality NOT quantity.

RE said...

Actually Jo, if you do not mind...

what is the weight loss of 50 lbs representative of? is that like 20% of your goal? or more? That is, what do you think is your ideal weight given your height etc. the body mass index....

And don't forget - drink lots of water. You need to stay hydrated and the water will help when you feel hungry.

The Fi in Photografi said...

*Gets up off seat and applauds loudly*

Flippin' awesome, girl!