Sunday, August 21, 2005

Unconscious mutterings #133


I say .... and you think ....?

  1. Fan :: fare
  2. Scum :: pond
  3. Lily :: pad
  4. Humid :: hot and steamy weather
  5. Ghetto :: blaster (oh boy did I show my age then!)
  6. Remember me? :: how would you remember me? Hints? Blonde, Welsh, teacher?
  7. Polished :: to perfection
  8. Compose :: music
  9. Squish :: slug (there was this really awful moment when late one night I trod on one standing in front of the kitchen sink - barefoot! Su and I had been out and had a skin-full .... it was so nasty I threw up!)
  10. Future :: France?


Lisa said...

Fan: cool
Scum: sucker
Lily: Tiger
Humid: sweaty
Ghetto: Elvis
Remember me: Forget me nots
Polished: silver
Compose: oneself
Squish: tomato
Future: career

Katya Coldheart said...

Fan: dab-e-dozey
Scum: grime
Lily: pad
Humid: hot
Ghetto: fabulous
Remember me:
Polished: duster
Compose: music
Squish: squash
Future: bleak


Anonymous said...

Ha ha re: the Ghetto blaster - I used to hump this ridiculously big tape deck around when I was a teenager. I'm surprised I didn't put my back out permanently :)

And as for slugs, I sympathise! In our house in London they used to get into our kitchen somehow and do daring midnight crossings across the floor; not good when you have to have to nip in for a quick drink of water in the middle of the night. Squelchy!

Fizzy said...

Fan:: cool air.
Scum:: Rugby...ooops I thought that said scrum ;)
Lily:: The name of my new plant, which is a peace lilly
Ghetto::Gospel. I love this song at the moment
Remember me?::november 11th
Polished::A person who becomes an citizin of Poland? or my table.
Squish::snails. What is the point of snails or slugs?
Future::teaching, money.