Monday, July 17, 2006


Go on, put up your hand, everyone who's finding life and blogging a struggle! *stands with hand raised looking around expectantly* It's hard so hard right now ... and I'm not truly sure why! A bit down in the dumps when I should be bouncing about as I finish school a week tomorrow. For 5 weeks and 6 days.* That's not so bad and it must be a reason to be happy!! It's just that my lifeis boring and yes I remember saying stop the world a few weeks ago. Moan, moan, moan, moan! Sorry, gonna go to work and take the moaning there instead. I'll try hard to come back in a better humour tonight.

* Though why they didn't just make it 6 weeks I have no idea!!


Ms Mac said...

*Puts hand up*

I think it's because I'm generally happy, there's nothing to moan about. Give me five minutes, I'll think of something!

Lisa said...

With all the sunshine I've heard you lot are getting over there, it's no wonder you might be finding it difficult to blog. It'd be lovely to get out in the sun again!

As far as finding life a struggle is concerned...I'll put two hands up for that one. Why does it sometimes seem that it's just NEVER going to get any easier??!!

Hope you're having a terrific day and come home bouncing with enthusiasm!


MaR said...

I am the sole exception because I have been (exceptionally) home alone for almost a week :) But all good things come to an end... hope you are having a wonderful, sunny day!

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

Oh I have blogging issues BIG TIME!!!

The I.T. Nazis at work have put some kind of spyware/snoopy bastard programs at work and I think they're tracking every where we go and have even blocked access to certain websites (like some of the blogs I visit)!!!


Fizzy said...

Good Morning
How are you today?
Only 3 sleeps left for you

Katya Coldheart said...

blogging takes over a lot, and big here has come to a standstill and its still so bloody hot...agh

at least you get 5 weeks to laze about instead of tearing about at work...are you off to france soon...???


Rainypete said...

I'll take 4 weeks over my two any day! Still, teachers here manage to get 10 weeks each summer. Sounds like you guys a got a bum deal.

Fizzy said...

Hand still up... can I put it down yet, it is getting awefully sore