Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm sitting at my desk in work waiting for my lift to say that it's time to go home ... I don't know how much longer it's going to be BUT I hope it's not to long. Ciara, our acting caretaker is walking around behind me flipping off lights and if I don't let her know that I'm sitting her, pretty soon I could be sitting in darkness!! *shouts* Ok, she knows! I know that most people think that teachers work from 9 til 3.15 and then go home PLUS the whole 39 weeks of holidays every year thing BUT it's gone 5, I've been here since 8 and I figure there's 2 hours of work ahead of me when I get home ... either tonight or as is more likely tomorrow morning at 4.50am

It's a good job I love the job eh?!?
Lift is here :o)


Tina said...

Ah, the preconceptions regarding the teacher's life! My brother-in-law and sister are also teachers and they work hard. I know we have different holidays and schedules in the United States but I know you need to do planning, grade papers, and a million other paperwork thingees. Am I right?! My brother-in-law says he loves his summers off though. Too bad they don't get paid then.

ljk said...

teaching at your level is very hard. I had an eye opening experience when I taught highschool, even though the kids were very intelligent and (spoiled rotten rich)....well behaved for the most part, it was more demanding than teaching at the university. I get paid more, have less stress and more flexibility when I teach college it any wonder why we're losing teachers at the primary and secondary levels?!!!?

Thanks for being a teacher! Especially in a tough and challenging environment...

Le laquet said...

Pierce - they don't get paid?? WTF? Why not? Oh god ... I so enjoy my August pay cheque!!

Thank you L aka IronWoman and I didn't even rant about the little "head visitors" who got me this week! Repeat after me "I DO love the job!"

MaR said...

Enjoy your weekend! My mother is a retired elementary school teacher so I know about those short working hours :)