Sunday, October 09, 2005

Unconscious mutterings #140


I say ... and you think ... ?

Quirk :: I have bucketloads ~ how's about only ever eating crisps (chips) if the packet hass been opened from the top ... I have no idea why!?! Who shouted "anally compulsive" then?
Crystal :: Gayle; when I was a young one myself all those years ago I so wanted to have hair like Crystal Gayle. And then I saw a programme where she explained how long it took to wash it and how she had to be very careful whenever she walked through a door ... that it didn't get stuck in it! That soon put me off!

Pet Peeve :: people leaving the glass cupboard door open in the kitchen ~ I'm not naming names you understand ... but I only share the house with one big someone!!
Cuban :: heels and cigars ~ they popped into my mind at the same time!
Breasts :: yep, got 'em! Costs a fortune to clothe them!
Whispers :: Careless
Complicated :: A level Statistics ~ I still get the shivers thinking about those maths classes!
Promise me :: you'll always tell the truth!
Murder :: Kathy Reichs ~ fantastic books!
Filament :: wire


Ms Mac said...

I always thought I had remembered Crystal Gayle's hair as longer than it actually was, you know how kids do that!

Tuns out I hadn't!

Cool Dad said...

Jo's Breast Adornment Shop? I think we might have a concept that ought to be explored. Oh, and Crystal Gayle is beautiful to every 13 year old boy.

Fizzy said...

Pet Peeve ::(I could name the cupboard one too. It bugs the life out of me.)Dumping school bags in the doorway, not taking wahisng upstairs, not putting things away... I could go on.
Cuban :: cigars
Breasts :: Donating mine to medical research
Whispers :: back of the class
Complicated ::It is all greek to me
Promise me :: you'll tidy your room (there must be a theme today!
Murder :: Midsommer Murders - wogans theory the most famous person in each programme did it.... works every time try it
Filament :: light bulb

Sara said...

always fun to see where you are going :)