Monday, April 10, 2006


At half past four yesterday afternoon Simon decided to cut the lawns* ~ "good man yourself" I shouted ... my eagerness not to cut the lawns is legendary, especially that first cut of the year when the grass is too long and even if you've had days and days of sun it's still too damp! 25 minutes later he was finished, back and front, both lawns now shuddering after their first haircut of the year ... "they don't look so bad do they?" he said. "Now we just need a little bit of rain to encourage the grass to grow and I'll cut them again next week!"

God I wish he hadn't opened his great big mouth ... thanks to the typhoon of biblical proprtions he called down on our heads last night I'll be ringing the insurance company this morning about our leaking roof. Someone explain to me how after that much rain we still have a hosepipe ban please?

*He'd been watching the golf and fantasising about having a lawn like the one in Atlanta!


Katya Coldheart said...

its been hailstoning here, not exactly golf balls but they were huge...

and the insurance co will probably tell you its wear and tear, they are a bit funny about roofs...though depends on the age of the roof...


Le laquet said...

New roof, about 2/3 years old! Fingers crossed eh!

Walker said...

Everyone want a lawn like in Atlanta.
New roof and it leaks. Is there warrantee for it.
I put one on mine 4 years ago and they garranteed it for 40 years.

Stacy The Peanut Queen said...

We went for 42 days straight with no rain...and finally got a really good rain on Saturday night. It was WONDERFUL to finally get some rain...but the lightening and thunder were REALLY bad! :)

Fizzy said...

We had the huge hailstorms that Magpie mentioned too. They hurt too!!
Today has been a wonderfully beautiful and springy.... going cold now.
I hope that the insurance company behave themselves and you get a settlement soon
have a good day

Lisa said...

If he's going to cut the lawn regularly, let him do it. Who cares what motivates him to get the job done? lol

My yard/lawn is so scrappy, I love it when it's freshly cut, actually makes it look half decent lol

Oh and I put the washing out on Saturday, knowing it was meant to rain a little later on. So I thought, that's ok, it'll get dry tomorrow....well there ensued two straight days and nights of thunder and lightening and torrential rain...bloody typical! lol

Good luck with the insurance company!

Rainypete said...

I don't want a lawn like Atlanta. I prefer a lawn like our local mini golf place. All astroturf and no maintenance.