Friday, July 08, 2005

56 questions

Shit ....... where did I nick this from? See, my thievery has become so RAMPANT I can't remember who/why/where!! Anyway - read/don't read, help/don't help yourself, wonder/don't wonder why #17 is missing .... wasn't there when I stole it - see I'm not overly picky!!

1. Nervous Habits : picking at my nails
2. Are you double jointed : yes
3. Can you roll your tongue : yes
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time : yes, in fact oh boy yes!
5. Can you blow spit bubbles : yes
6. Can you cross your eyes : yes
7. Tattoos : yes
8. Piercing : yes
9. Do you make your bed daily : yes no

10. Which shoe goes on first : left
11. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? : no, not yet
12. On the average, how much money do you carry : about £5
13. What jewelry do you wear 24/7 : engagement & wedding ring, diamond earrings (wedding present from SImon)
14. Favorite piece of clothing : new chocolate brown linen trousers

-- FOOD --
15. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it : twirl
16. Have you ever eaten Spam : yes
18. How many cereals in your cabinet : 4 - bran flakes, alpen, porridge and honey nut cornflakes
19. What's your favorite beverage : morning - honey & hot lemon, cold - water, hot - white tea with sugar, long alcoholic - brandy with lots of coke & ice, wine - red (Banrock Station's Sparkling Shiraz)
20. What's your favorite fast food restaurant : In the UK - KFC, in the US - Taco Bell, In France - McD's
21. Do you cook : yes

22. How often do you brush your teeth : twice daily
23. Hair drying method : blow dryer, naturally in the summer
24. Have you ever coloured/highlighted your hair : yes

25. Do you swear : shit! Yes!
26. Do you ever spit : no

27. Animal : wild - elephant/giraffe, domestic - dog
28. Food : pan fried foie gras
29. Month : August
30. Day : Saturday
31. Cartoon : The Clangers / Chorlton and the Wheelies
32. Shoe Brand : duh! I don't know ... I buy from anywhere!
33. Subject in school : then - geography. Now - ICT.
34. Color : lilac
35. Sport : watching - rugby union. Taking part - swimming.
36. TV show : Extreme Makeover Home Edition / CSI
37. Thing to do in the spring : garden
38. Thing to do in the summer : go to the beach
39. Thing to do in the autumn : fireworks

40. Thing to do in the winter : sit in front of a wood fire, reading

41. In the CD player : Permission to Land by the Darkness
42. Person you talk most on the phone with : Mum
43. Reading : re-reading Wild Swans by Jung Chang
44. Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows/mirrors : no! Hate them!
45. What color is your bedroom : blue and yellow, to be decorated soon!
46. Do you use an alarm clock : no
47. Window seat or aisle : aisle please

-- dumb --
48. What's your sleeping position : in the recovery position (on front/left side, left arm under pillow and head)
49. Even in hot weather do you use a blanket : no
50. Do you snore : no yes, if/when I have a cold or anaesthetic
51. Do you sleepwalk : not anymore, regularly as a child (post coming)
52. Do you talk in your sleep : Simon says "put your hands on your head" yes!
53. Do you sleep with stuffed animals : don't say that about him, he's my husband and I love him!
54. How about with the light on : I can but I don't need to.
55. Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on : gosh, easily
56. Last interesting person you met : yesterday as part of the BBC's People's War project we (school) were an associate centre and lots of older people came in to school to talk about the war / their experiences - very interesting.


Fizzy said...

WOW this is a long one:)
4)in a lopsided sort of way
6)yep-scares the children:)
8)just ears
10)right (wierd as I am left handed)
11)only the cat when it was alive and scratching all my furniture
13)wedding ring
14)brown t-shirt and my best party skirt.
15)twirl (kids wear it)
18)1 = weetabix
19)Diet coke also really cold dry white wine
20)not that crazy about them
21)sort of. I don't enjoy it.
22)twice a dsy
23)hair dryer with difusser
24)oh it is coloured too many grey hairs
27)ducks :)
28)meat = sunday dinner. sweet= cheesecake
29)september (birthday and wedding anniversary)
31)i hate cartoons
33)then... sewing. Now science and ICT
35)rugby league professional and son plays..and swimming daughter swims for city
36)law and order , csi, other stuff
37)get out of the house
39)kick leaves
40)keep warm
41)fleetwood mac rumours
43)travels with my donkey
45)blue and white striped
46)yep and it is loud
48)curled up
49)light weight duvet
52)yes sometimes can have a conversation with hubby and not remember
55)i have a radio on 24/7 in my room
56) oooo I don't know ...will think about it.

WOW I am awake now.
have a good day today

Le laquet said...

Oh my gosh - wowowowowowow!!! Go Fizzy!

Ms Mac said...

Yay! Chorlton and the Wheelies!

I loved that show!

Katya Coldheart said...

great answers, you know i'm gonna steal this don't

and on a totally unrelated note I got a personal email from Mark Billingham, and he came over to check out my blog, he rocks...


Fizzy said...

Now you are going to tell me I wasn't supposed to do my own list LOL

Sara said...

that is lovely... I'll be stealing it and posting on my blog sometime this weekend.

Cool Dad said...

Simon is a stuffed animal?
Which one?
Oh and I can totally see you winning the spit bubble competition at the school. All the kids will be so envious.

Walker said...

Isn't poker a sport, I think it is some where. Tattoo I would believe that, but what and where.
Have a nice weekend