Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Reasons I love Ruth!

  1. She is genuinely good person, who thinks the best of people for as long as she can, right up until the moment when she has to say "aye, right!"
  2. Her superb geographical knowledge! "Alaska, that's north of New York right?"
  3. She is always there for a friend - day or night, if you need her, she's there!
  4. No matter where she is - and lord knows I mean anywhere - she will dance a Scottish reel to make you smile!! And sings for the same reason!
  5. She is such a good mother, she doesn't loose her temper (often) she puts her children first everytime; she struggled through university to get a better job with little/no support from her tosser ex-husband to make a better life for them! She is "super-mother!" Girls - are you listening!!!
  6. She taught me to play backgammon - ok, so maybe she created a monster!!!!
  7. She laughs @ herself when she cocks-up; harder and for longer than others laugh @ her! And it's a great big, rollocking, Scottish laugh that makes everyone around her smile!
  8. Her ability, for an intelligent woman, to say the dumbest things - during a Reiki session :: Reiki practicioner - did you enjoy that, did you go to a relaxing place? Ruth - no I stayed here on the bed! Me - ROTFLMAO!
  9. You should see her with a class full of kids and you should see the kids faces - they're enthralled! Beautiful!
  10. She talks to everyone - it doesn't matter who, where, what - she is one of life's natural communicators - she just speaks to people and they are all blown away by her naturalness!
  11. "Wee golden moments" - when little things brighten her day and she just has to tell you/everyone around! Like the time that her, Kev and I were sitting in the car at traffic lights. A tape was playing and when the Eagles' Take it Easy played we all changed words & sang (with no prompting or rehearsal!)

"Well, I'm standing on a corner
In Winslow, Arizona
nd such a fine sight to see
It's a guy, my lord, in a flatbed Ford
Slowing down to take a look at me!"

And Ruth is so happy to be there, and we're all singing and she's almost crying and she leans forward between me and Kev, puts an arm around each of us, hugs tight & says (sounding like Billy Connelly in drag!) "Aye, It's a wee golden moment!"
So this is for my dear friend Ruth - who's not feeling well right now - Get better soon darlin'!!


Fizzy said...

OOOOO what a lovely post, and what alovely way to sheer someone up.... What a good friend you are.

Ruth look after yourself I hope you are feelling better soon

Walker said...

You have a very good friend there, and a good friend that you are too. I hope she is feeling better soon.

Steve said...

What a great post and how lucky you both are to have such a good friend. Hope you feel better soon Ruth x

Katya Coldheart said...

i hope Ruth feels better soon, she sounds like a fab are so lucky...


Doris said...

Aaaaah :-)