Saturday, June 11, 2005

50 questions

Stolen - no bones about it!! I pinched this .... specifically for a quiet moment like today! So to view the original pop over to see the lovely, chinchilla desiring, USA holidaying Katya Coldheart! Hang about - come to think about it .... I believe she stole it from Rainy Pete - I feel so much better now!!

  1. What time did you get up this morning? - 5.52 am, if you don't get the loo before Simon hits the shower (prude** locks the door) you can be there hours desperate to pee!!
  2. Diamonds or pearls? - Diamonds!
  3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? - Valiant .... kids animation with superb British cast!
  4. What is your favourite TV show? - Extreme Makeover Home Edition - makes me cry everytime!
  5. What is your middle name? - Elizabeth
  6. What is your favorite cuisine? - Southern Country French - yum!
  7. What foods do you dislike? - Marzipan, tripe, lychees, anything aniseed/licorice-y & kumquats.
  8. What is your favourite crisp/chip flavour? - Walker's Sensations Thai Sweet Chilli - yum!
  9. What is your favourite CD at the moment? - Best of Seal 1991 - 2004
  10. What kind of vehicle do you drive? - Renault Clio 1.9 Diesel
  11. What is your Favourite sandwich? - Roasted vegetable & cheese (hot/melted) with Balsamic vinaigrette on Italian bread *dribbles*
  12. What characteristics do you despise? - dishonesty.
  13. What is your Favourite item of clothing? - shoes, I would love a pair of Jimmy Choo's
  14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? - South Africa
  15. What colour is your bathroom? - Lilac
  16. What colour pants are you wearing? - Is this American? Does it mean trousers (black) or knickers (black too)? *bangs hand against forehead* So in answer to the original question - black!
  17. Where would you retire to? - Southern France, near here and here and here to do this*** and this and to eat plenty of this.
  18. What is your Favourite time of the day? - Morning
  19. What was your most memorable birthday? - My 27th (will follow up with a post!)
  20. What's the last thing you ate? - god, I can't remember and it was only last night chicken salad with Jersey new potatoes.
  21. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? - Lilac
  22. What is your Favorite flower? - In a vase - ivory roses, in the garden - clematis/marguerites, in the wild - poppies!
  23. What Fabric detergent do you use? - Tesco's own, non-bio
  24. Coke or Pepsi? - Coke, full fat version!
  25. Do you wish on stars? - Yes and I sing about it!
  26. What is your shoe size? - UK 8, European 41. US - ?
  27. Do you have any pets? - No!
  28. Last person you talked to on the phone? - my brother, very monosyllabic conversation HIm - "Joanne?" Me - "Yes!" HIm - "Are you coming down this weekend?" Me - "No, still reporting I'm afraid" HIm - "Good, because we're going out on Saturday!" Me - "How's everyone?" Him - "Ok, that's all I wanted!" Me - "You don't want to chat then? Ok, talk to you soon, bye!" Him - "Bye!" It's hard to imagine we came from the same gene pool!!
  29. What did you want to be when you were little? - A seismologist (sp?) - or any other earthquake/geology kind of job!
  30. What are you meant to be doing now? - it's 6.18 am on Saturday, should be sleeping!
  31. What do you first notice about someone? - Smile and hands (I don't know why!)
  32. What was your favourite toy as a child? - Lego
  33. Summer or winter? - Summer
  34. Hugs or Kisses? - both, together?
  35. Chocolate or vanilla? - ah, well, lets see. Scent - vanilla. Ice-cream - chocolate.
  36. Who is most likely to respond? - all you lot out there in the ether!
  37. Who is least likely to respond? - everyone who doesn't know about this blog!!
  38. Living arrangements? - with my husband Simon in an Edwardian mid-terrace in north Kent.
  39. When was the last time you cried? - couple of nights ago, National Geographic channel - programme about the Afghan Girl!!
  40. What is under your bed? - dustballs and my current book
  41. How many countries have you visited? - 18 [Born in Wales; been to England, Scotland, Ireland (Eire and the North), France, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Andorra, Germany, Austria, Greece, Israel, USA, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and South Africa)
  42. In how many cities have you lived? - 1 (many towns but only 1 city)
  43. Favourite movie of all time?- Breakfast at Tiffany's (which I can't believe I left out of the Movie Meme - must have been a naturally blonde day!)
  44. Mountains or beach? - Beach
  45. The current friend you have known the longest? - Bethan - since first day in comprehensive school, so that would be early September 1980
  46. Full names of your potential kids? - hard one for a teacher (you've usually had "troll child from hell called a certain name so wouldn't touch it with a barge pole!" So I'll never have a Cara, Connor, Darren or Joshua!!) Anyway, Robyn, Darcy or Megan for a girl; Rory or Benedict for a boy!
  47. What is your usual bedtime? - anytime after 9.30pm, I'm better in the mornings!

Ok, (as noted by Katya) there were only 47 questions ...... this is your chance to come up with 3 more!! I'll answer pretty much anything unless they're really gross/embarassing etc.

** a lovely prude but a prude none the less!! :o)

*** I have to tell you I pinched this photo from the "Gay Outdoor" Club's site - this cracked me up!!


Recovery Road London said...

Cool. I've stole this for my blog. We're both Lego fans....hey now!

Le laquet said...

What no questions for me to answer?

Lego, stickle bricks and meccano!! Love them!

Anonymous said...

"Lego, stickle bricks and meccano!! Love them! " - spot on. S'funny, when I say "stickle bricks" to people I get blank looks....?????


Cool Dad said...

Okay, I'll ask a question of you. In the U.K. where is the best Bed and Breakfast and what is so special about it?


What is the official difference between trousers and knickers?

Le laquet said...

Kenny - maybe stickle bricks is an age thing?

Tom - Bed & Breakfasts in Britain .... ok, leave that with me!
Knickers and Trousers - knickers are worn under trousers by women. Pants in "British" can also mean rubbish ....."I hate having homework on the weekend Miss, it's pants!" Who came up with this language?

Sara said...

Pants is the american word for trousers, the others are unmentionables :). Yes, leave it up to us to use non-specific words that only we can understand. That's my country for you.