Friday, June 10, 2005

T.G.I.S. (Thank goodness it's summer!)

In case you didn't know, summer has arrived in the UK. This is always the start/chance for much merriment and laughter (by us Brits ..... we don't often take summer seriously ..... and the rest of the world!) You know the kind of thing ..... do you remember the summer of 2005? Ah yes, it was one week in early June wasn't it?

Summer does amazing things to a school. Don't get me wrong, we always using our outside areas - playtime, PE etc. heck the nursery and foundation stage spend a chunk of time outside everyday rain, shine or snow! But yesterday everyone was outside - year 3 science about shadows, year 4 PE, mother's and toddler's group outside all day. I took the opportunity to take my class to the field before lunch - we sat on the grass under one of the huge oak trees and had storytime. The children lay on the grass or sat against the tree trunk with me, I read 4 chapters of the Owl who was Afraid of the Dark. No-one wanted to leave the spot and go to lunch - blissful!! Think of us today just before lunch - we'll be back there!

Question - what do you like to do on sunny days?


Ms Mac said...

Sit in the sun and read. Preferably on the baclony with a jug of sangria!

Recovery Road London said...

I remember the summer terms when I was at school..**sighs**

Anonymous said...

I love sunny days as long as it's not too hot. It gets so humid here where I live that some days it feels like I'm walking into a sauna just stepping out the front door. If it's comfortable out, I pack my camera and start snooping around outdoors ;~)

Glad summer started on a good note for you there!

Walker said...

I want winter back PLEASEEEEEEEE!!!
snow snow snow!!!!!
It's 40 here I 've been fused to the chair ackkkkkk.........

Lisa said...

What a lovely visual you just conjured up in my head with this post. Relaxing under a tree, reading to the class? Aaah, wonderful.

Le laquet said...

ms.mac - oh yes, and there's another Spanish drink, a long cool mix of red wine, lots of ice & lemonade and a squeeze of lime that's delicious ..... now what's that called?? *thinking hard*

kenny - yes best time of the year!

deb - that's the only problem, humidity makes me grouchy!

walker - 40? degrees centigrade? oh my! no, too hot! but i wouldn't want snow either!

sara - it was idyllic. instants like that are one of the reasons teaching is for me.