Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Can you play hopscotch?

In school I am one of the senior lunchtime supervisors i.e. responsible for all the crap that goes on during our 70 minute lunch break. I'm the one who gets to "talk to" all the trouble makers, make a decision if someone needs to go home, deal with the "ooooh" first aid cases etc. So yesterday I was wandering around the playground - you know just checking!

Down in the corner of the playground we have lots of "game markings painted on the floor/wall - hopscotch, chess, targets etc and 3 angelic looking little girls are playing hopscotch! Bless. We give them weighted foam pieces so they don't have to throw stones - it's lovely! I wander towards them to say well done. They look to be about 5 or 6 - foundation stage (kindergarten) age!

This to me is a scene from the quintessential primary school playground and it makes my heart warm!! This is why I am a teacher! :o)

And then when I walk up close to them I realise that as they hop up and down the numbers, on each hop they make they are swearing! So its a little like this -

5 year old Angel #1 - Fucketty, fucketty, fucketty, fuck! *stops picks up foam piece, turns* Fucketty, fucketty, fucketty *sees me* fffffffffffffff!


Fizzy said...

LOL that is so funny.... it shouldn't be but it is .
70 mins Dinner !!!

Le laquet said...

Yeh - Fizzy we used to get 85 minutes dinner time ... that was awful! Fights galore!

Ms Mac said...

How very excellent! Although, if they were my daughters, I may say something quite different!

Le laquet said...

ms.mac - like fizzy said it was so funny .... you couldn't help but laugh, I did my best to do the "chat" without sniggering!

Fizzy said...

I neeed to learn how to chat and NOT snigger... I am quite bad at that sometimes.

Walker said...

Well it was an 8 letter word. Gezzzzz hopscotch has changed alot since iwas a kid.

Recovery Road London said...

I used to like hopscotch...the opic shows a different one to the one we had as kids

8 7
5 4

Katya Coldheart said...

i used to love hopscotch, i can't believe they still play it...but it is great when you are five, the language of some youngsters is

i have some photos up on my new blog if you wanted to check them out...


SeizeTheNite said...

They look so cute from far away...

Being a teacher pays in various ways, including all the stories you get to tell.