Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Bedtime last Wednesday

Me - right, bedtime everyone!

22 children - do we have to, 5 more minutes? Please?

So I wander off dragging the 8 girls, to get them to go to bed. I was part way through a story with them about a ghost teacher - not as scary as it sounds honest - more of a "be careful/polite & kind/work hard in school or this will happen to you!"

Girls - can you read the end of the story please?

Me - ok, but teeth and into bed quick! It's already quarter past nine. Ok?

*scrambling around, scrubbing teeth*

I pick up the book, turn to page 48 (from previous night) and 3 of them start snoring. Was it something I said?


Walker said...

You should have told a scary homework story. :P

Katya Coldheart said...

it sounds like you had your hands full with them all...i wish our leaders at brownies had told us scary stories...


Recovery Road London said...

Are you sure you weren't talking about rugby? ZZzzzzzzzz.



Fizzy said...

Why does that never happen for me?

Ms Mac said...

Sounds like my youngest.... "I'm not tiredzzzzzzzzz..."