Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A little bit of this and that.

I hate insurance companies ~ So yesterday I went into school and had the phone call I've been dreading. About 5 weeks ago my camera was stolen from school ... you might have noticed no new photos around, of mine any rate!

We'd been taking photos in the nursery (as evidence for the foundation stage profile) and my lovely new TA had snapped some kiddies outside doing something or other. She came back in and put the camera back in the box of tricks where it had been.


Unbeknownst to her, the family sitting in our hall ... we'd invited the mum in to spend the morning to help her little one get used to being in the nursery* ... were the local equivalent of the Krays. And older brother, who'd accompanied Mum and littlie wasn't actually in school
because he was on long term school exclusion for violence and disruption! Needless to say the camera disappeared never to be seen again!

I put signs up in the window asking if anyone had taken the camera home by accident, please to return it ... and the headteacher rang the school's insurance company. Yesterday the phone-call came back from the insurance company!! Because it wasn't a break-in, because we'd invited the thieves into school ... they were willing to pay out the grand sum of nada, rien, nichts, τίποτα, niente, nothing, nowt! So last night I had to admit the theft to Simon ... boy am I popular right now! Stoney silent treatment was invented for this man!

* On his first morning, he hit the other nursery teacher across the face with a toy car whilst screaming "f*$% off, you f*£%ing c*&t " at her. As I'm sure you can imagine, his nursery place has been withdrawn!

Wipers ~ Who'd have thought that my car was so clever? On the way home from work yesterday, when I was at a standstill in traffic, the wipers slowed to save power. Which is fab! But I actually wanted to be able to see the lights change ahead.
Moving ~ Must remember the boxes! Must remember the boxes! Kev moves this weekend, hurrah! But why is he moving out of a ground floor flat into a second floor flat? STAIRS AGAIN!!
Rain ~ If anyone tells me there's a drought in the UK at anytime over the next year I shall so call them a liar to their face. It hasn't stopped raining here since yesterday lunchtime! It is currently hammering on the window and the radio station has just announced local flooding. I take it they've cancelled the hosepipe / car washing ban then?


Walker said...

Now did you say nusery?
How old are these kids 16?
Does he call his mother that or is that what his father calls his mother and he is learning?
Sorry all i got is questions.

Le laquet said...

Well Mr W! He's 3 & 1/2 and I only think he can be hearing it at home ... in a that is what his father calls his mother! No hope really ... very sad :o(

Le laquet said...

I do like this though!

Anonymous said...

no rain here - and we don't have a hose pipe ban either!

We have lost three digital cameras and 2 laptops at school the same way. Is it any wonder that schools do not want to invite parents and families in

Anonymous said...

OMG she has the next one picked out already!

Walker said...

Toys for Jo, does it come with an alarm lol

MaR said...

so sorry to hear about your cam...
you picked out a very nice one, wow: 10megapixels!
ps: send the rain this way. We need every drop...

MaR said...

ps nr 2: the cam's price tag is not as nice, though :)

Katya Coldheart said...

can you claim on your house insurance, if you have all risks cover away from the home its worth a try...???

Rainypete said...

W@&k#r$ !!

I only hope that if you never see it again that it breaks so it is of no use to them. Then they can get nicked trying to pinch another one. Although I laughed (darkly of course) at the though of a three foot tall Kray running about.

Recovery Road London said...

Insurance companies? We'll take your money but please don't ask for ours when you need to make a claim!

Thanks for your kind words at my place.


K .x.


Unknown said...

I have recently faced this with a moving company that "lost" an artifact of mine in indoor storage. The police said it was "an inside job". The owner wouldn't budge so I spent 2 days faxing and e-mailing and sending letters to 15 Federal, State and Local authorities. We are nearing a solution soon. While different from my story, I hope this inspires you to think of some outside sources. It's terrible to lose a camera like that.