Saturday, April 30, 2005

Dinner last night - inspired by a visit to the Pier before the M&S food hall.

Ok, I should never again go to the Pier (I love the Pier) before the food hall ..... but you see it's on the migratory route back to the car and I know Bluewater so well my feet just flow along the path!

Anyway the Pier is full of fabulous things at the moment - pink whicker fairy lights to string under a garden umbrella, aluminium elephants to hold the kitchen door open, Chinese silk bedspready things to die for. So all these jewel colours and beautiful textures are just wow! And I'm still searching for chunky beautiful colour and texture when I get to M&S. Which is how Simon and I ended up with Parma, pineapple and melon Caesar salad with garlic pommes parmentier. It was best described as interesting - he's a bright man, he just shut up and ate!!


Katya Coldheart said...

ooh ooh ooh now i need to go to the pier to buy things i don't really have a use for just because they are nice...

the elephant sounds nice and the fairy lights...

i love M&S food dept...i hate cooking...


Anonymous said...

Oooh, Bluewater, how I miss thee.

I wish there was a way to remote control my husband through a Bluewater shopping expedition when he goes home for a visit in two weeks time...