Sunday, November 06, 2005

The things kids say #5

Well, actually the things they write!

After teaching my class all about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot on Friday afternoon, we drew/painted some pictures and did some writing for a display! Lovely, instant wall coverage that's what we want until I read what one of my year 1 boys had written!

King James men turtled (tortured) Guy Forkes (Fawkes) and cut him into cworters (quarters) like my dad does with the chicking on a Sunday for lunch! We have roast potatoes to!

Yes, well ... what could I say!


OldLady Of The Hills said...

What does it all mean...are young people just illiterate now? I know my spelling sucks, but how does this boy get through one day in school? Thanks for coming by my blog, by the way...
I love the photo you have where your profile picture sits!
Having a lovely Sunday I's just 1:17am here in Los Angeles;Sunday has just begun!

Le laquet said...

Bless you old old lady of the hills, the little mite in question is only 5 years old ~ I thought his spelling was fab it was the bit about roast potatoes and chicken for dinner that threw me! After all what has that got to do with gunpowder and parliament?

Alison Ashwell said...

I think he must have been trying to relate to the exectution - i suppose it makes sense when you're five =)

Fizzy said...

Everything makes sense to a five yr old it is the rest of the world that has the problem. I have a yr 1 afternoon tomorrow. Yr 5 morning what a difference. I loved his ideas. I did the Guy Fawkes story with yr 3s on Friday. We made saftey posters. And I "played" on the IWB making fireworks for them. I will never be able to quarter a chicking now with out thinking of Bonfire night

Le laquet said...

Alison, I did show pictures of hung, drawn and quartered ... not with a lot of detail but enough it would seem!

Fizzy ~ I can see you in the chippy ordering a chicking cworter with chips right now!