Sunday, November 13, 2005

Unconscious mutterings #145

sunday mutterings

I say ... and you think ... ?

Mighty :: Mouse
Gotta find time to ... :: have my hair cut, it's supposed to be every 6 weeks ... which I don't think is really necessary. I last had my hair cut in July ... 16+ weeks is leaving it a little too long!!
Statistic :: Vital statistics ... let's not even bother asking ... let's just realise that even if I was skinny (as ms.mac says "it's the points baby!") I'd still be more "hour~glass Marilyn" than anything else!!

Midnight :: Cowboy, love the film, love the song, cry at the end etc.
Thaw :: melt
Hips :: Elvis
Reader :: me, pry the book out of my hand! Go on try!
Related :: family
Brilliant :: Little Britain ... I cry!
Posture :: Winnie the Pooh ~ I think I probably need to explain this a little later on!!


Anonymous said...

I haven't done the UM for a while. Let's hear about Winnie the Pooh! Here via Michele's, have a nice sunday.

Carol said...

Gotta find time to: meditate. Its helping me.
Statistic:that's all I am, to many!
Midnight:time for bed.
Thaw:first it has to freeze, right? BRRR
Hips:mine will not be measured
Reader:I am a reader, a slow one but it still counts
Related: in a round about way
Belated: birthdays
Brilliant: I have a friend that is brilliant but I don't let him know. He already thinks too well of himself
Posture:I remind my daughter of its' importance.
Hey Michele sent me!

Anonymous said...

Just saw Marilyn Monroe in the Apartment with Jack Lemon tonight on TV. She was fabulous.

Here via Michele.

Fizzy said...

Mighty :: White
Gotta find time to ... :: Make some trousers had the material since last Christmas and it has been hanging over my lounge door waiting to be cut out since August!
Statistic :: um well in our house it is a well know statistic that all those of the male species must act like 9yr olds
Midnight :: At the lost and Found
Thaw :: John
Hips :: Too piggin wide!
Reader :: "Miss can I change my reading book?"
Related :: The male species in this house are related to pigs..
Brilliant :: Sunny Morning
Posture :: (I also need to hear about Winnie the Pooh), gives you back ache