Sunday, November 06, 2005

Unconscious mutterings #144


I say ... and you think ... ?

Deeper and deeper :: claustrophobia
Can't help :: I can't help it!
Devil's advocate :: Keanu Reeves, god I love that film; I first saw it on a trip to Dublin with Suzanne and Ruth ... it was raining (it's not called the emerald isle for nothing!) and we all squidged onto the sofa in Su's dad's house and the film really blew me away ~ what a twist in
the tail!

Devil's Advocate

Superpower :: if I could be a super-hero, I'd be "Super tasty-morsel" girl ~ my superpower would be to make food so delicious, that "nastiness" would stop so people could eat!
Threatening :: did you meet my mother? LMAO ~ I'm kidding mum!!
Played :: Skip-Bo ... I'm addicted I fear!
War :: War-huh, What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again!
Violate :: rape
Invest :: money
Choke :: Heimlich manoeuvre, always looks/sounds scary on refresher first-aid courses!!


Anonymous said...

Loved that movie and LOVE the Bert poster! Too funny! Hello via Michele...

Fizzy said...

Deeper and deeper::in trouble
Can't help::falling in love
Devil's advocate::Love playing it in an argument Superpower::Bathroom cleaner
Threatening::behaviour scares me
Played::when one parent says no and the dam kid goes and asks the other parent for the money
War::War-huh, what is it good for?absolutely nothing! I said it again Jo
Invest::I wish I could
Choke::someone saying something funny and you are eating at the same time