As seen on the back page of Closer, answered cheesily (Do you have a strange celebrity crush? I've only got one crush and that's Roddy. ~ PLEASE!! Have you not met George or Patrick or even Nick in your celebrity life?) by the very pregnant Penny Lancaster ....
If you're on your own what do you secretly watch on the telly? Re-runs of the Waltons!
What can't you help snacking on, eventhough you know you shouldn't? Nuts ~ you name it pistachios (or spicios if you're a princess), cashews, almonds, brazils, cobnuts (when they're green) and #1 choice ... give it up ladies and gentlemen for macadamias!!
Do you have a strange celebrity crush? I DON'T GET IT EITHER and why am I admitting to you lot??

What's your grubbiest habit? I pick / bite the skin around my fingernails ... people have been trying to cure me for years!
Where's the tackiest place you've been on holiday and loved? Ipsos, Corfu .... came back with a "nightlife" tan!!
What's the most shameful CD in your collection? Loved George!

What item in your wardrobe would really shock the fashion police? I have a pair of cycling shorts hidden at the back that I paint in ... foul!
What's the cheesiest film you own? Grease II ~ "I want a coo-oo-oo-ool rider!"
What did you buy in your last spending spree? New knickers, 3 tops for work, some nail varnish remover and a photo frame.
What's your most humiliating experience?
So many experiences, so little time to type them before I go to work ... let me leave you with this picture; aged 16 ... summer time ~ June or July, beautiful cotton skirt ~ one of those big swirly ones. I got off the bus from town with my friends Vanessa and a gust of wind blew the skirt over my head ... I was outside a pub and the beer garden was packed with men!So come-on, share with me ... tell me one of your guilty pleasures!
UPDATE :: And just for ms.mac, Magpie and Kiwi ....