Friday, May 20, 2005

In order!

I have a system in the mornings - I get up, pee [yes, you're getting all the detail!], make a drink and sit down in front of my computer to catch up on the blogs I read. Some of them are listed in the side bar of my blog (it grows/changes every day!) but I usually go through the favourites on my browser and do different orders depending on how I feel. So for all of you this was this morning's trip!

  1. There's a new header and explanantions at Happy and Blue 2 - love the writing!
  2. Lost, here and beyond - pipes causing troubles for Walker's Mum's garden. Always amazing writing - makes me cry/sigh/laugh!!
  3. Web Divas - I want one ...... I will have one, I'm thinking about a design!! [I'm going along the lines of some voluptuous blonde, reclining in a bath with a view eating Cabanas whilst admiring the boxes of new shoes alongside her!!]
  4. The story of a recovering alcoholic at Roots Radical - Recovery Road .... one day at a time! Supporting him/all of them all the way!
  5. ms.mac's meanderings - If you haven't been there, go NOW and while you're at it wish her a "very happy 12th 23rd birthday!" :o)
  6. The wonderful Katya Coldheart - what can I say?
  7. Kiwi Fruit - Sliced, diced, blended and blogged! Wonderful blog written by a Kiwi married to an Englishman living in NZ.
  8. Random Acts of Reality - medical tales from South London without the blood and guts!
  9. Steve's nude Memphis Blog - the maestro!! ROTFLMFAO!!
  10. An extraordinary woman in a mediocre life - Shoes and Swansea in the same blog, sounds like me but younger and with a crush on Superman!
  11. Dooce - love it! Chuck, Leta, Jon and Heather (who does the writing) in Utah - fab-u-licious!
  12. Faggoty-Ass-Faggot - just for the quote, "easier than shooting queens at the Mac counter!"
  13. Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans? - recently found and really enjoyed a slice of Texan/American life, washed down with cuervo!! :o)
  14. Bubblehead - the ex-submariner fishing husband of Mommy Matters! Read her too!

Shit got to go to work!! Back later to finish list/links/sentences etc!! Done, ready to read tomorrow morning!!

1 comment:

Ms Mac said...

Oh, I'll come back later then! Thankyou for the birthday wishes! :-)